The Whole Package: Body Image Coaching For Men

Welcome to The Whole Package: Body Image Coaching for Men

Hey dude, are you struggling with body image issues? Do have trouble:

  • Seeing yourself in pictures

  • Taking your shirt off at the pool

  • Being seen naked

  • Buying clothes

Do these struggles limit your life, affecting your confidence, relationships, and happiness? You’re not alone, and it’s time to take the first step towards transforming how you feel in your body.

Why Choose This Program?

Take a few minutes and look up other men's coaching programs. Almost all of them focus on transforming your body, which is code for losing weight or building more muscle. But what if the transformation we need is not about changing our body but how we think about it?

My years of work in this field have helped me understand the unique challenges men face regarding body image. This comprehensive program offers a safe and non-judgmental space where you can openly discuss and address these issues. The goal is to help you develop a healthier relationship with the body you have today and learn how to treat it with more kindness and compassion.

Program Highlights:

  • Personalized Coaching: Our program consists of six one-on-one coaching sessions over three months. The first introductory session is 75 minutes, and each following session is 50 minutes. Each session is tailored to your specific needs and goals, ensuring you get the most out of every meeting.

  • Weekly Voxer Support: In addition to your coaching sessions, you’ll receive weekly support via Voxer. This ensures you have continuous guidance and encouragement throughout your journey.

  • A Body Trust™ Approach: We will address body image from head to toe, considering all aspects of your well-being, from mental and emotional health to practical strategies for helping you feel at home in your body.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Improved self-esteem and body confidence

  • A healthier relationship with food

  • Practical tools to manage and overcome body image struggles

  • A supportive and understanding space to feel seen and understood

Start Your Journey Today

You don’t have to struggle alone anymore. Want to learn more? Set up a free 20--minute consultation learn more and discuss pricing.